Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Romeo and Juliet, Baz Luhrmann - 1934 Words
I believe that Baz Luhrmann has created a very effective prologue and version of Act 1 Scene 1 of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, using visual images and landmarks along with the language to aid the audience in understanding the story. Using the media throughout, Luhrmann makes the situations easier for the audience to grasp, and in turn, relate to. The film begins with the camera zooming in on a television. The prologue is spoken by a black female news reporter. Using a coloured female reporter is effective as it shows how universally important the story is. This indicates the importance of the Montagues and the Capulets for their frays and fights to shown on national television. Using the media makes the situation seem more real,†¦show more content†¦All of this suggests their apparent immaturity, and fun attitude. The Montague boys pull into Phoenix petrol station. The name Phoenix is significant as it shows that often good things are born from the ashes, in this case, Romeo and Juliets love for each other, and an end to all the fighting. As they pull in, there is a clear shot of the cars number plate, which reads ‘Mon 005. The Capulets then pull into the petrol station, in a more suave, sophisticated car; however they have a matching number plate, this time reading ‘Cap 005. This again shows competition between the two families. One of the Montague boys climbs out of the car, and shows a sexual attitude towards some nuns. This indicates that they have little respect for people. The Montague has a black eye, which shows that he has been in a recent fight, most probably with a Capulet. Abra and Tybalt then step out of their car. Immediately there is an obvious difference in the two families, and their attitudes. The Capulets are more sophisticated, whereas the Montagues are immature and up for anything. As soon as the Montagues spot the Capulets, there is tension between them. This indicates how much hatred has built up in the rift between the two families. Abra looks towards the Montagues in a threatening way. The Montagues are quick to respond, and bite their thumbs at the Capulets, a gesture that wasShow MoreRelatedAppropriation of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann2533 Words  | 11 PagesDiscuss the appropriation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare and ‘Romeo+Juliet’ by Baz Luhrmann Texts and ideas from texts are appropriated and transformed into other text forms and other compositions in a different context. An appropriation is a text that is appropriated or taken over by another composer and presented in a new way. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a well-known high culture text that is a tragedy about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding familiesRead MoreHow to Account for the Success of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Luhrmann2153 Words  | 9 PagesHow to Account for the Success of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Luhrmann â€Å"The play re-worked for MTV.†This is just one of the many ways Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet has been described after the director dramatically changed the way the world sees Shakespeare. The controversial film shows us just how important Shakespeare still is no matter how you try to change it. The classic, original play will always be present in some way. The film’s success came with great publicityRead MoreComparison of Franco Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet to The Adaptation by Baz Luhrmann1460 Words  | 6 PagesComparison of Franco Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet to The Adaptation by Baz Luhrmann This essay aims to discus the similarities and differences of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, directed by Franco Zefferelli and Baz Luhrmann. In this essay there will be an outline of the story, a comparison of the techniques used in each film and the affect these techniques have on the viewer. 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The latest version of Romeo and JulietRead MoreComparing the Openings of the Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann775 Words  | 4 PagesComparing the Openings of the Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann Both openings of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann show similarities and contrasts. Although both versions are faithful to the text as the words spoken by the voiceover in the Prologue are the same, the methods of presentation are clearly different. Zeffirelli places the film in the 17th century and takes a more traditional approach. By using a whiteRead MoreInterpretation of the Balcony Scene by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli of William Shakespreares Romeo and Juliet1032 Words  | 5 PagesInterpretation of the Balcony Scene by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli of William Shakespreares Romeo and Juliet â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†is a famous love story written by William Shakespeare. Two interpretations were made of this text into a film by the two directors, Baz Luhrmann (1996) and Franco Zeffirelli (1968). The films use different types of media to portray the characters and the overall context of Shakespeare’s play. I will be focusing on Act two Scene ii (the balconyRead MorePost Modernism Of Baz Luhrmann s Film Adaptation Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet3440 Words  | 14 PagesPost-modernism in Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet: a comparison of two creative works from two different periods. In 1996, Baz Luhrmann directed â€Å"Romeo + Juliet†, a modern twist on the famous tragedy play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare in 1597, in which the main characters Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet where portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. 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Different productions of Romeo and Juliet recontextualises the play making it relevant to new contexts helping the viewer understand the play. The directors who made a production of Romeo and Juliet recontextualise Romeo and Juliet from their point of view, therefore, Zeffirelli
Monday, December 16, 2019
Purple Hibiscus Free Essays
Symbols within Purple Hibiscus Ben Redman The novel Purple Hibiscus, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, is a story of a girl learning to find her own voice and speak out against her violent oppressive father. The novel is set in post-colonial Nigeria, in a time in which the government was run by a military dictatorship. There are a number of symbols used to help develop ideas of the novel; the three most predominant ones being purple and red hibiscuses and Mama’s figurines. We will write a custom essay sample on Purple Hibiscus or any similar topic only for you Order Now The red hibiscuses are symbolic of the violence and bloodshed in Kambili’s life whereas the purple hibiscuses symbolize freedom, defiance and the courage to speak out. The figurines are symbolic of Mama’s submissive character and denial of the violence in her home. These symbols help to develop one of the main themes of freedom vs. oppression. The color red also adds to the symbolism of the red hibiscuses. Red is a color which is often associated with anger, violence and bloodshed. These are all recurring motifs in the novel with her father’s reign of terror over the family. Red is the color that seems to haunt Kambili, ever since the beginning when she had to clean up her mother’s blood, after the father abused and cause her to have a miss carriage. For a long time after the horrific incident, Kambili could not concentrate on anything but the â€Å"red blur†and the â€Å"narrow lines of blood†which hold together the images of her dead baby brother and her badly beaten mother. The red hibiscuses that are planted in the garden of the family’s home in Enugu suggest the family’s oppression, as it is only through Papa’s violence that he keeps them under his control. Kambili, shows major changes throughout the story in her confidence and personality by gaining a voice. Kambili is an extremely shy girl because of she lives with the constant terror that her father reigns down on her, the father has scared Kambili to the point where she cannot even think for herself. Adicihie shows Kambili’s transformation mainly using dialogue and internal monologue, these changes Kambili made in herself where crucial in the story because they explained how she learns to break free from her fanatical father. At the beginning of the novel Kambili is perceived by her fellow class mates and peers to be stuck up and different because the students knew Kambili came from money and power, and thought she was ignoring them because maybe she thought she was better than everyone else. When in fact her silence and awkwardness is due to the fact that her father has crippled her self esteem so badly by showing oppressive parenting techniques. Her transition from silence to a full speaking girl is the most obvious change in the novel and it is what progresses the plot. Like I mentioned before the red hibiscuses planted at their home symbolizes the fathers terrible ways, and the power he has over the home. The red plants showed complete dominance over the household to the point where any of Kambili’s thoughts or emotions where showed to reader through actions or internal monologue. The only time she would ever really speak was to mimic her father’s preaching â€Å"God will deliver us,†in her repeated efforts to gain approval of her treacherous father. However some light begins to show during her stay in Nsukka. Before Kambili and Jaja went to stay with their aunt in Nsukka, they have never seen purple hibiscuses before. Purple hibiscuses in this story represents freedom, defiance and courage to speak out. This is very symbolic as it is only during their visit to their aunts home where they learn what true freedom is. Kambili’s internal monologue beings to show signs of branching away from her silence and gaining a voice of her own. At first we see her struggling to break the silence as if she is scared that her father will find out somehow. She was described censoring herself from talking back to her cousin Amaka because she is smart mouthed and that she might be upset with Kambili herself. The first time Kambili truly spoke with thoughts of her own was when her beloved Father Amadi asked her why she is so quiet and why she hasn’t asked a question all night. Kambili was puzzled because no one has ever came to her and asked her to speak on something other than religious matters. What she said was â€Å"You don’t have to shout, Amaka†¦ I don’t know how to do the orah leaves, but you can show me. Before this, they had known only of Papa’s violence, his ‘hurting love’ and his oppressive, dictator-like control. Purple is a color that is often associated with royalty but also self-expression. This is important, as it is only through expressing oneself and speaking out against oppressors can freedom truly be achieved. We also learn that it is only through experimentation that gard eners can create the rare purple hibiscus. This emphasizes the fact that Kambili and Jaja take their first tentative steps of speaking out and defying their father’s tyrannical rule. The purple hibiscuses that grow at Aunty Ifeoma’s house in Nsukka are described as in the novel as â€Å"rare fragrant, with undertones of freedom†. These flowers are the most important symbols in the story as they are what represent Kambili’s transformation. When the kids returned back to their miserable home Jaja brought some cuttings of the purple hibiscus’s and hid them in fridge, to give him and Kambili a sense of security and protection from their father. He was afraid however that papa would find them and confiscate them, therefore almost crushing his rebellion. The contrast between the purple and red hibiscuses also is a large symbolic tool Adachi uses. The purple showing love, warmth, laughter and free expression what they experience in Nsukka, while red representing the constant fear they live under. Jaja bringing home the flowers brings inspiration to strive for freedom within their own home. How to cite Purple Hibiscus, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Requirements of Chesapeake IT Consulting †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Requirements of Chesapeake IT Consulting. Answer: Requirements: Stakeholder Interests The new hiring system of Chesapeake IT consultants consists of various stakeholders into the company. The objective of new hiring system is to make the recruitment and selection process of CIC faster so that the business can gain a competitive advantage. The other objective of CIC organization is having skilled employees in their business so that they can fulfill with current as well as future contracts. The objectives aid the stakeholders into accomplishment of the roles into the firm. The hiring system help CIC employees to collaborate perfectly as well as effectively as each of the employees role are indicated into the system (Bourgeois, 2014). The main goal of the information technology solutions is to meet with the customers requirements. The stakeholders of CIC and objectives of new hiring system aid to achieve the roles which are discussed in the following table: Role Specific challenge related to the hiring process How a technology solution to support the hiring process could address the challenge i. CEO The role of CEO is to ensure that CIC can run into line to set organizational goals. The existing hiring process is a challenge as the HR Manager is not able to hire talented and new staffs quickly to address requirements of future contracts CIC can win. New hiring system should aid CEO by availing the competent workforce which can deliver of organizational goals. The new employees are hired into timely manner, obtained of correct credentials along with educational requirements for the position of job (Yang, 2014). The current employees can work properly with assigned contracts. ii. CFO CFO is focused on financial aspects of CIC. The current hiring process is not able to track certifications as well as skills of their staffs such that CIC knows the capability of right person to perform into specific project. With use of hiring system, CFO ensures that HR department runs into economical way. Therefore, the new system will reduce hiring cost of new staffs. The proposed hiring system is cost effective with higher return of investment. Implementation of proposed hiring system should direct the employees to right job position and at proper time. iii. CIO CIO is not able to manage the organizations information resources along with IT architecture to hire of new staffs (Bourgeois, 2014). The system aids CIO to store and backup data on the issues related to hiring new employees. The system also provides of security measures when it is expanding internationally in order to protect clients data. iv. Director of Human Resources HR is concerned that the current hiring process will not allow the HR department to become responsive to the recruitment and hiring needs. Director of Human Resource uses the system to conduct proper as well as sufficient staffing of organization. The new hiring system should achieve this function throughout Human Resource Planning Module which is incorporated into the system. v. Manager of Recruiting The current hiring process takes long time to hire new staffs. There is long process of hiring. The system should aid in recruitment and selection of IT consultants. Manager of Recruiting should reach larger number of applicants throughout online channel (Yang, 2014). vi. Recruiters The recruiters are used of screening and filtering process to recruit the new staffs for CIC. The new hiring system would enable the recruiters to select best applicants throughout screening and also filtering. vii. Administrative Assistant It is the challenge for administrative assistant to coordinate the paperwork for new hire and payroll. There are possibilities of errors while entering the data manually. The new hiring system should simplify roles of administrative assistant by providing channel throughout which he/she can able to distribute information on employee hiring. viii. Hiring Manager (Functional supervisor the new employee would be working for.) The current method to screen applications, schedule interview, identifies the best qualified applicants and getting of new job offers is not working. The hiring manager would use the system of decision making on whom is to hire as new staff into the organization. The manager is looking for electronic dashboard to see status of job openings, information related to qualified candidates. Defining Requirements The information system of the organization is to be composed of various requirements. The proposed new hiring system consists of two types of requirements such as functional and non-functional requirements. Into the following table, five user requirements are stated which addressed the reporting under the functional requirements (Bourgeois, 2014). Three system performance requirements and two system security requirements are stated under the non-functional requirements. The requirement ID is symbolized as follows: User requirements is numbered into the table as UR-# System Security requirements is numbered into the table as SR-# System performance requirements is numbered into the table as SP-# Requirement ID Requirement Statement Stakeholder Functional Requirements 1. UR-1 The system shall provide applicants to edit their profile details. Recruiter - Paul OBrien 2. UR-2 The system shall allow admin to provide full authority over the accounts of user. Director of HR: William Bradley 3. UR-3 The system shall allow admin to sort the applicants based on specific criteria. Director of HR: William Bradley 4. UR-4 The system shall allow admin to send notifications related to upcoming events. Manager of Recruiting: Suzanne Rodriguez 5. UR-5 The system shall create of job offer for chosen applicants. Manager of Recruiting: Suzanne Rodriguez Non-Functional Requirements 1. SP-1 The system shall accommodate extra users in addition to records, transactions. CFO: Marianne Cho 2. SP-2 The system shall store job postings templates in order to simplify job process for the hiring manager. CIO: Fadil Abadi 3. SP-3 The system shall maintain, correct in addition to update the employees hiring data accurately to the HR manager. Manager of Recruiting: Suzanne Rodriguez 4. SR-1 The system shall provide secure login, logout to the users as no other than user have access to profile. CIO: Fadil Abadi 5. SR-2 The system shall secure the profile by means of confidential password. CIO: Fadil Abadi References Bourgeois, D. (2014).Information Systems for business and beyond. Chapter 6. The Saylor Foundation. Yang, R. J. (2014). An investigation of stakeholder analysis in urban development projects: Empirical or rationalistic perspectives.International Journal of Project Management,32(5), 838-849.
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