Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Book Thief
Adriana Alvarez Ms. Spooner Survey Lit, Period 2 September 17, 2011 Diagnostic Book Thief Essay Assignment Sometimes in literature, a character’s actions oppose the ideals, values, morals, etc. of his or her society. A character in The Book Thief who opposes his or her society is Rudy Steiner. Of course, there was a purpose for Zusak to make Rudy exactly the way he did. Rudy was a little boy when we first meet him, and we see him grow up in one of the most horrific eras of our world’s history. At the end of the story Rudy had a deep anger towards Hitler, saying â€Å"the quote where he wants to kill him. (Zusak, pg) But he wasn’t always like that. In the beginning he didn’t really care. At first, he didn’t even fully understand what was going on. He was nothing but a little kid. This is what Zusak was trying to hit at. A lot of kids that went through the whole Nazi era didn’t really understand what was going on, and therefore didn’t r eally care. It doesn’t mean they didn’t care about the Jews; they were just too young to comprehend what was going around them. However, as the story progressed, Rudy changed his mind.Again, Zusak was making him symbolize all those little kids back in those days. Rudy changed his mind, because Hitler affected him directly. Hitler tried to take him to a school away from his family, and then ended up taking his father away. It wasn’t until Rudy was directly and personally affected by Hitler’s actions that he started to show remorse against him. It wasn’t until then that Rudy started to realize what was going on around him. Another way that Rudy opposes the ideals and morals of his society, is the whole Jesse Owes incident.Jesse Owens was a famous and respected gold medaled runner. However, he was African American. He wasn’t what was expected; light skin, light hair and colored eyes. The fact that Rudy covered himself head to toe in charcoal, a nd was running as fast as he could, trying to impersonate Jesse Owens, would of been frowned upon. Yet, â€Å"I just wish I was like Jesse Owens, Papa. †(Zusak,60) said Rudy. Jesse Owens overall was not approved of. But Rudy didn’t care. He had an idol, and he wanted to be like him, no matter what others said or thought.And Rudy often did this. He believed what he wanted to believe, he did what he wanted to do, and listened to who he wanted to listen to, whether people approved or not. He was to young when the whole Jesse Owens incident occurred, and he didn’t understand that if someone had seen him covered in coal they could’ve sent him to the camps. Luckily only his father had seen him. Zusak uses Rudy in representation of kids, such as himself, who didn’t understand that even the slightest action done out of the norm could have cost them their life.Rudy helps Zusak show how the Nazi era affected even the kids, how it changed their point of view and their way of living. Overall, Rudy along with the other characters allow Zusak to write about the Nazi era in a new way. In a way that hits us like a bag bricks and leaves us thinking about how we could have let someone hurt others so much and the endless points of view that were forever changed. Zusak reminds us that there are still thousands of people and perspectives that we haven’t thought of or tried on for a change of shoes.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Developmentally appropriate and child-centered curricula
Ensuring that curriculum in early childhood education is both developmentally appropriate and child-centered involves educators making decisions about the most relevant content to include in the curriculum based on the needs, interests and capabilities of the learners. Developmental psychologists such as Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget, have done extensive work in describing the cognitive changes that children go through throughout their lifetime. Knowledge of these changes is important in guiding decisions about curricula content, material and activities.Piaget proposed that each child moves progressively through each of four stages of cognitive development as they mature physically. These are the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational periods. At the early childhood level a child is in the sensorimotor and preoperational stages which lasts between ages zero (0) to two (2) years old and two (2) to seven (7) years respectively. Children first â€Å"le arn about their surroundings by using their senses and motor skills†. (Slavin, 2000, p. 33).Edwards (2005) believes that these stage-based characteristics that Piaget has identified are important starting points for curriculum design as educators need to have a clear understanding of the characteristics of learners before any decision can be made about what curricula content to deliver to them. In designing an early childhood curriculum Jalongo, Fennimore, Pattnaik, Laverick, Brewster, and Mutuku (2004) contend that the child must figure at the center of this process.As a results the developmental needs of the child must be first and foremost in the mind of the educator as decisions are made about curricula content and structure. First and foremost an early childhood curricula must be specific to the early childhood level. Jalongo et al (2004) caution that early childhood programs must be designed specifically for early childhood education â€Å"rather than replicate the c urriculum and pedagogy that characterizes later academic experiences†(p. 145). Consequently tasks should be so designed so that they are manageable based on the cognitive and physical capabilities of the children.Additionally the designers of curricula material need to ensure that such programs and the material that go along with them are innovative. Educators in the field should work collaboratively in deciding on the most appropriate material to include in the curriculum. Moreover when it comes to actual classroom implementation the curriculum should be used as a guide and not as an absolute (Jalongo et al, 2004). This means that teachers should be flexible in implementing aspects of the curriculum based on the unique needs of their particular set of learners.Furthermore curricula should be continuously improved to reflect new knowledge about how children at the early childhood level learn. For each group of students the curriculum should be adopted to better serve their ne eds and challenges. Consideration must be given to the particular ethnic, cultural, and language characteristics of the children concerned and seek to meet them where they are. This means that, rather than trying to force children into a pre-made mold, educators must ensure that the children are the basis used in constructing the mold.Evidently the task of designing developmentally appropriate curriculum, though it is left mainly up to the educator who interacts most intimately with the students, must take into account the specific needs, interests and capabilities of learners. Educators cannot leave the child out of planning the early childhood curriculum. Failure to include the group at which early childhood programs are geared will only result in failure both on the part of the educator and the learner. References Edwards, S. (2005, Mar). Children’s learning and developmental potential: Examining the theoretical informants of early childhood curricula from the educator’s perspective. Early Years, 25(1), 67–80. Jalongo, M. R., Fennimore, B. S., Pattnaik, J., Laverick, D. M., Brewster, J. & Mutuku, M. (2004, Dec). Blended perspectives: A global vision for high-quality early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(3), 143-155. Slavin, R. E. (2000). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Arthur Miller s Death Of A Salesman Essay -- Tragedy, Death of a Salesm
Many times during the play, Willy drifts in and out of flashbacks. Most of these occur during the period when Biff was in high school, and foreshadow the events of the present. For instance, in one of the flashbacks, Biff â€Å"borrows†a football from the locker room, and is told by Willy, â€Å"Coach’ll probably congratulate you on your initiative.†Obviously, Willy rationalizes Biff’s behavior in addition to his own. In the same flashback, Willy asks Biff, â€Å"What do they say about you in school, now that they made you captain?†Willy proudly hears that Biff has a crowd of followers in the halls between classes, and is well on his way to becoming well-liked and successful. The reason Willy tries to maintain the guise of success is to not disappoint his boys who admire him. He wants the best for Biff and Happy; deep down, he hopes that their lives will be better than his. During the play, Willy loses touch with himself, evidenced by his numerous contradictions. In one scene, he mention... ... middle of paper ... the character of Charley, the Loman’s neighbor. He is Willy’s only friend, and offers him a job when the old salesman is fired. Willy’s egotism gets in the way, however, and he cannot bring himself to work for Charley, since this would be admitting failure. Charley symbolizes reality- a reality that Willy never acknowledges. Death of a Salesman is one of America’s most tragic plays, because it tells of disappointment, failure, and death. Ultimately, Willy wastes his adult years trying- unsuccessfully- to prove his worth. He has a misguided philosophy that he passes on to his two children, and can no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. The story of Willy Loman will remain popular because it serves as a warning to all: the question to be asked upon retiring from an occupation is not, â€Å"What does the person know?†but rather, â€Å"What has the person become?â€
Impact of Computers on Day-to-day Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Impact of Computers on Day-to-day Life - Essay Example Social networking is another area in which computers have changed peoples’ lifestyle. Many of the offline businesses were transformed to online businesses because of the abilities of computers in promoting e-businesses or e-commerce. Weather forecasting and global positioning systems are some of the other areas in which computers are used extensively nowadays. This paper analyses the impact of computers in day-to-day life. Business is one area, which gained a lot because of the introduction of computers. It should be noted that instant communication is made possible because of the introduction of computers and internet. Business always likes to have the exchange of information as quickly as possible in order to make sound decisions. Earlier, fax messages and telephonic conversations were used for business communications along with telephones. However, these technologies had many limitations in communicating the ideas properly between the stakeholders of business. The introduct ion of computers helped business people to present their ideas clearly to others. Computer controlled machinery is used a lot in many of the manufacturing units nowadays. This machinery has the ability to do provisioned work more efficiently than humans do. According to new figures released by the United States Department of Commerce, e-Commerce Sales accounted for 2.4% of all sales in the fourth quarter of 2005, up from 2.3% the previous quarter. Total fourth quarter e-commerce revenues came to a seasonally adjusted $22.94 billion. For all of 2005, e-commerce sales rose by 24.6% according to information from the U.S. Census Stats (Internet World Stats News) Earlier business activities were taking place only in the real world. Introduction of computers opened another channel for business in the virtual world. Many of the recent studies have shown that offline or virtual world business is going to surpass real world business in the near future. Computers have helped business people w ith another channel to market and provide their services. Education is another sector in which computers proved their worth. For effective transfer of knowledge from the teacher to students, computers are extensively used in classrooms at present. Computer assisted technologies are helping both the students and teachers to polish their ideas. For example, teachers can take notes from the internet before presenting a particular topic in the class. In the same way, exceptional students who are not satisfied with the classroom knowledge can look on the internet to get more knowledge. IPads and tablet PC’s are helping students to get rid of the inconvenience of carrying textbooks and notebooks to the classes. Teachers can assess the progress of the students with the help of computer software. In short, computers can help in the enhancement of quality of education. Social networking is the third segment in which computers are influencing people in their day-to-day life. The popula rity of Facebook, Google Plus, MySpace, Twitter etc clearly indicate the importance of computers in daily life. It should be noted that millions of people from all over the world are spending a substantial period of time in social networks nowadays. Apart from ordinary people, even business people, marketers, job seekers, etc are also interested in using social networks now. The concept of social networking would not be in place if the computer related technologies were not there. As mentioned
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Physical Resource Operations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Physical Resource Operations - Assignment Example 20 yrs 500 6250 1 yr Rogers 7005 Kitchen Coolers Kitchen 6/6/2004 Jarvis 2300 10 yrs 0 2300 1 yr Rogers 7006 Kitchen Microwave Rec 6/6/2004 Poolman 350 2 yrs -100 350 1 yr Rogers 8001 Pool Rec 4/7/2004 Galliford 18650 20 yrs 200 19000 3 months Mott 8002 Pool Table Rec 4/7/2004 Galliford 3500 5 yrs -500 3000 1 yr Mott 8003 Sports Equipment Rec 4/7/2004 Galliford 1300 2 yrs -500 1300 3 months Mott 8004 Tennis Courts 4/7/2004 Galliford 16000 20 yrs 4000 20000 1 yr Mott Question 2 Outline Purchase Strategy for Heron that is transportable to larger hotels Heron Hotel Purchase Strategy: Determine funding allocations and assets that are available for the department the purchase is to be proposed too by consulting with management team and discussing limitations of the proposed budget as well as liabilities that the purchase may create to ensure that there is a balance between assets, goals and liabilities. It is important that the price of the purchase will not exceed the allocated budget without senior management approval. It is the financial department's responsibility to determine any grants, loans and fiscal liabilities that may be involved with the purchase as well as the value of the assets and services that will be acquired. For the following, develop three alternatives in vendor and resources of the proposed purchase to outline available options. It is held in utmost importance to determine, describe and present the physical characteristics of purchase and the way in which the proposal will assist the facility's goals and the departments that will be involved in the purchase. This will ensure that there is not a difference in purchase traits compared to the needs of the business. List the items involved in the purchase and evaluate the cost as it relates to... It is held in utmost importance to determine, describe and present the physical characteristics of purchase and the way in which the proposal will assist the facility's goals and the departments that will be involved in the purchase. This will ensure that there is not a difference in purchase traits compared to the needs of the business. It is especially important to determine what resources are necessary to utilize the purchase as well as determine any rudimentary costs that will be involved to determine the full cost of the purchase, state these regarding the short and long term costs and the effective outcomes. It is also important in the purchase proposal to determine the long and short term values of the purchase and the holistic effect on the facility by discussing with financial and marketing managers to ensure that it is within the resource budget and determine if any liability will be caused and if that liability can be afforded, but also ensure that it is within business and marketing strategy. Furthering on the discussion with marketing and financial officers, evaluate relationship of purchase to business goals and plans to determine if purchase will enhance or hinder the profitability of the hotel, and if said purchase is feasible within the budget limitations. Define choice of supplier from a minimum of two
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Solow Growth Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Solow Growth Model - Essay Example Solow Growth Model is a standard neoclassical model of economic growth developed by Robert Solow. This model holds that economic growth is linked to capital accumulation and the population growth (Zhuang and St Juliana, 2010, p. 65). Solow growth model postulates that under equilibrium, the level of per capita income is determined by prevailing technology, rates of saving, rate of population growth and technical progress all which are assumed exogenous (Barossi-Filho, 2005, p. 37). Given that the rates of population growth and levels of saving are varying across countries, the model gives testable predictions on assessing how the two can influence economic growth of countries. Solow model has been criticized by different theorists given the assumptions made by this theory. This paper will explain the impacts of both population growth and increase in the saving rates upon economic growth. Moreover, the paper will explain how Solow model accounts for technological progress and assess w hether Romer model improves on this. Impact of both population growth and an increase in the savings rate upon economic growth Increased production of goods and services leads to economic growth. In the light of this statement, any country that desires to achieve economic growth must have optimal factors of production (Song, 2009, p. 7). The factors of production include capital, labor, technology, land and entrepreneur. When these factors are optimized economic growth of the country will be positive. Solow growth model predicts that economic growth results from accumulation of capital and population growth rate (Zhuang and St Juliana, 2010, p. 65). Moreover, the model starts by making an assumption of capital accumulation is subject to diminishing returns (Stein, 2007, p. 193). Solow model argues that developing countries with low capital stock can achieve higher economic growth compared to developed countries by increasing their savings and investment rates. Solow model postulates that increased rates of savings leads to capital accumulation. The theory behind increased savings resulting in capital accumulation is that higher savings leads increased amount of funds that can be offered as credit for capital investment. Consequently, this borrowed capital will be invested in the production industry and therefore the gross domestic products will be higher (Song, 2009, p. 9). Investment is required for the development of infrastructure required for production. However, Liu and Guo (2002, p. 25) argues that economic growth of a country depends on its ability to deploy the savings to finance capital investment. In the Solow model, the second factor identified to influence economic growth of a country is its population growth. Population provides an important factor of production; labor and consequently as population grows it adds to the available labor it contributes to economic growth of any country. However, given the rule of diminishing returns on factors of pr oduction it is necessary to strike equilibrium between the labor and other factors of production (Song, 2009, p. 10). The combined effect of impact of increased rates of saving and population growth can be understood using the Solow model. This model offers testable predictions since these two factors are different across nations. Song (2009, p. 9) argues that countries having high saving levels usually have higher per capita incomes while those experiencing high population growth have lower per capita inco
Friday, July 26, 2019
Soviet Union during Gorbachev Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Soviet Union during Gorbachev Presidency - Essay Example By the late 80s, if the cold war was becoming a major limitation for the Soviet Union, the US administration was also getting cognizant of the constraints being posed by that icy conflict. Thus a thorough understanding of the decline of the Soviet Union during the Gorbachev era raises many hitherto unexpected issues (Dukes, 1993). Therefore the onus for the decline of the Soviet Union both before and after Gorbachev needs to be interpreted in the context of the socio-economic, political and cultural changes that defined the Soviet Union in 1991. Communism was as much an economic and social doctrine as a political strategy. It is really surprising to note that the Bolsheviks primarily came to power by riding on a band wagon of simple economic promises that is the extension of food, clothing and shelter to the suffering masses (Sviderskii, 1930). Hence the demise of the Soviet Union was as much a failure of the Communist economic model, as a victory of the Western democratic and capitalist ideals. The Gorbachev era was the culmination of a long history of disastrous economic policies pursued by the successive soviet regimes over the decades. So the decline of the Soviet Union when Gorbachev came to power needs to be understood in the subaltern context of the failure of the Soviet state to provide the basic means of sustenance to the masses. Food definitely constitutes an important aspect of this state failure on the part of the communist regime. In the late 20s, the Soviet regime went ahead with a positive note in the sense that it supported the idea of allowing for private agriculture and the free market economy pertaining to food grains, while retaining the Communist Party's hold over the basic market frameworks (Sviderskii, 1930). However, the agents of doom were let lose when Stalin decided in favour of the state control over agriculture and the production and the management of food stocks (Gaider, 2007). Stalin chose to do so despite the cautions extended by many of his trusted comrades like Bukharin and Rykov (Gaider, 2007).The pursuance of this food policy between 1920 and 1950 resulted in a sharp decline in the Soviet agricultural production, despite the fact that it had access to some of the largest farming tracts in the world (Desai, 1986). In fact Nikita Khrushchev wrote a letter delivered to many of his friends, mentioning that, "In the last fifteen years we have not increased the collection of grain. Meanwhile we are experiencing a radical increase of urban population. How can we resolve this problem (Gaider, 2007)"At some time in the 50s, the Soviet planners alarmed by this scarcity, put their heads together to grapple with this pressing issue and several options were
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Nursing - Pain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Nursing - Pain Management - Essay Example Cyclooxygenases Prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase (commonly known as Cyclooxygenases) was purified in 1976 and cloned in 1988. This enzyme is the key catalytic protein in the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid, resulting in pain and inflammation, and is subject to inhibition by non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). In 1991, several laboratories identified a second gene product with COX activity, now termed COX-2. It is clear now that both isoforms, COX-l and COX-2 are expressed in both peripheral tissues and several areas of the CNS (Prochazkova et al., 2006). Theories of Pain Gatchel, Polatin, and Kinney (1995) state that there are two prominent theories of pain: the traditional specificity theory of pain and the gate control theory of pain. The former, still widely taught, proposes that pain is a specific sensation and that the intensity of pain is proportional to the extent of tissue damage. This theory implies a fixed, straight-through transmission system from somatic pain receptors to a pain center in the brain (p.416). In 1965, Melzack and Wall proposed the gate control theory. This theory suggests that there are physiological and neural mechanisms in the body that can have an effect on the perception of the painful stimulus (Hawthorn & Redmond 2001). The theory postulates that there are two controls that affect the gate. ... This gating mechanism depends on the relative quantity of information being received over the larger fibers versus the smaller fibers. In essence, the two peripheral impulses interfere with each other to alter pain perception. The gate control theory has received the most recognition in the field of pain research (Gatchel, Polatin, and Kinney 416). Anatomy & Physiology The complexities associated with the experience of pain are immense. Hall (1994) addresses those that deal with the physiological aspects by observing that medical science has not fully explained pain mechanisms. The specialization of receptors has been discovered. This refers to receptors being more sensitive to one stimulus than others. Hall (1994) continues with the identification of the receptor that is "incriminated" in the reception of pain, the unmyelinated or thinly myelinated nerve ending, an "unencapsulated" nerve ending. Hall describes the myelin sheath covering that encloses nerve fibers. The thickness of t his sheath varies throughout the body, from none in the periphery, to very thick where nerves enter bones, and other parts of the body. The covering acts as insulation to keep stimuli from entering the nerve from regions other than those served by the nerve (p. 11). Hall (1994) goes on to describe the receptor as a "primitive unorganized nerve ending and often has a weed-like appearance. It has many branches and overlaps with other receptors to totally cover the area which it serves" (p. 11). The area that a particular nerve serves is called a dermatome, which may serve an area of skin, a muscle, or any organ of the body. Hall states, "It is important to realize that the strength of stimulus is a critical factor in the production of pain in this and other
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Influencing the components of the cash-to-cash cycle Case Study
Influencing the components of the cash-to-cash cycle - Case Study Example he same note, it is clear that the company cannot monitor or calculate their profits adequately since they have not put in place the appropriate mechanisms to support this particular venture. Furthermore, the case study shows that the management of the company in question also focuses on the company’s debt structure. Essentially this is a good move, but there is the need to also lay emphasis on the working capital aspect of the company since this is an important part of the company that comes in handy during the fundamental analysis of the company is carried out. However, this paper strives to highlight some of the cash models that need to be incorporated in a bid to curb the looming crisis that is going to face the company as a result of the lack of this important aspect of the company model. First and foremost, the working capital can be defined as the metric for the calculation of the company’s liquidity. Apparently, the approach of working capital is the most appropriate approach to be undertaken by this particular company. On that note, the analogy of working capital will come in handy since the assets to be liquidated in this particular business are dependent on the time period of investment. In simple terms, the current investments are not to be liquidated in the short term but on the long term. However, in the instance of high working capital, this indicates that a huge sum of money will be constrained in the bank accounts receivables and the inventory of the company. Consequently, this can be characterised as a level of pure investment strategies since the time at which the money is constrained in the bank accounts, profits could have been generated and thus the company’s profit margins could have risen drastically. Thus it is worth noting that the working capital could also be used as a means for the measurement and the determination of the liquidity state of the company. On the same note, this approach could serve to better the company both
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Marks and Spencer Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marks and Spencer Company - Case Study Example It can be summed up as: The company has a triangular top management structure; this triangular management structure consists of the three Board Committees that are the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Nomination Committee. All the three board committees supervise and exercise power on different aspects of the company's activities and operations. Also, these committees further consist of different members with specialised tasks. The Audit Committee consists of three members and manages the financial activities inside the company, such as supervising the company's periodic audits, coordinating with the external auditors conducting annual mandatory audits for the company, and superintending the process of annual statutory accounts formulation and furnishing it to the shareholders of the company. The Remuneration Committee undertakes the task to manage the remuneration related activities for the company's employees such as bonuses and increments etc. The Nomination Committee manages the activities concerning the appointment and designation of the company's directors and managers. Apart from the above-mentioned committees working as part of the board, the company's top management also consists of seven directors and one group secretary also acting as the head of Corporate Governance. The financial base consists of two Group Finance Directors, Ian Dyson and Alison Reed, who undertake the responsibility to control and regulate the financial matters in the company. MARKS AND SPENCER-THE COMPANY HISTORY Marks and Spencer plc has had centuries old history of expansion, augmentation and amplification. It started when a Jewish immigrant Michael Marks alone opened a store in the year 1884. He continued to run and manage the small business alone for a decade and after 1894 it was joined by another individual i.e., Thomas Spencer. The business continued to expand and grow under the management of these two legends. They both believed in expanding the scope of their business and therefore, by the end of the 19th century, they managed to open and run 24 stalls and 12 shops in England. Especially in the beginning of 20th century, they practically stepped into the corporate world by getting registered as a private company under the name of "Marks and Spencer Ltd". After adopting this name, the company continued to gain popularity and public acceptance all over the Great Britain with a strategy of selling the British-made products only. By this way, the company earned prestige and stabilised relationship with reputable manufacturers and suppliers in the Great Britain. The son of Michael Marks, Simon Marks, became the Chairman of the company in the year 1916 along with his brother in law Israel Sieff who with joint efforts turned the company into a retail chain store. In the year 1926, the company's shares were float ed in the stock exchange and thus Marks and Spencer continued its further expansion with a significant share of public in its capital and profits. In the mid of the 20th century, the company expanded the scope of its business operations
The Lancre Festival Essay Example for Free
The Lancre Festival Essay I think my homepage is good because the colours go together. However, the colours I chose are not contrasting colours. I think it wouldve been better if I made the background or text a different colour so it would stand out more. I feel that the layout of this page is good because it is clear and everything isnt too close together. There is sufficient space between the text boxes and pictures. The hyperlinks are clear and stand out. I used one of the pictures given to me, and another from clip art. Features my page should have from my analysis: 1) Hyperlinks to the other pages 2) Large heading: The Lancre Festival 2007 3) Dates 4) Text about Lancre 5) Photographs I have achieved all these requirements on my page. Page 2: Where to Stay I think this page isnt good because it looks plain and there is only a small picture. There is only one, small one because I didnt have enough space. I also think there is too much information on the page. The hyperlink back to the homepage is clear. The office phone number is also clear. I think the heading is big and bold. Features my page should have from my analysis: 1) Hyperlink back to the homepage 2) List of the different types of accommodation with descriptions 3) Have subheadings that stand out 4) Have at least one picture 5) Must have the office phone number I have achieved all these requirements on my page. Page 3: Festival Events I think this page is good because there is some text and a map. I used the same background as the other pages. The office address is clear and bold. The hyperlink is clear and on the same place as the other pages. The free events are in bold writing to make it stand out more. Features my page should have from my analysis: 1) Have the program of events 2) Make it clear which events are free (Put the word Free in a large font) 3) Have a map showing where the events are taking place 4) Have date and time of concert 5) Have a hyperlink back to the homepage 6) Have the office address 7) Instructions for ordering tickets I have achieved all these requirements on my page. Page 4: See The Purple Spiders Live at Lancre Festival I think this page is good because it is clear. There are pictures of the band and the information is easy to understand. The link back to the homepage is in the same place like the other pages. However, I think there is not enough text on this page and the heading is too long. I didnt have a choice with the heading so I couldnt do anything about that. Features my page should have from my analysis: 1) Have a hyperlink back to the homepage 2) Have 2 pictures of the Purple Spiders 3) Cost of tickets 4) Have date and time of concert 5) Information about tickets I have achieved all these requirements on my page. Also, there is a consistent design with all the pages.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Any warrant officer or enlisted member who Essay Example for Free
Any warrant officer or enlisted member who Essay Article 91 -â€Å"Any warrant officer or enlisted member who (1) strikes or assaults a warrant officer, non-commissioned officer, or petty officer, while that officer is in the execution of his office; (2) willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer; or (3) treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer while that officer is in the execution of his office; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. †Article 91 of the Uniform code of justice (UCMJ) is insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, Noncommissioned Officer (NCO), or Petty Officer. Article 91 of the UCMJ defines insubordination and failure to obey order and regulation. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders given by senior leadership or grades appointed over you. It’s not insubordinate conduct if the order given is unethical or illegal; neither is refusing to perform an order that is within the power of the person giving the order. Many superiors feel that the line of verbal contempt can be broken on many different levels. One can only assume that foul language, and language that may impose threat, violence or outright disobedience will ultimately fall in to the category of verbal contempt and disorderly language. A simple verbal disagreement with no foul language or violent intent can be considered as verbal contempt and or disorderly language to the NCO. An enlisted member can be subject to being punished by this article just on the superior’s thoughts on whether or not the accused was in verbal contempt. So in the case of a disagreement between two individuals, where one Marine says something and the next Marine another, it is what is perceived as the truth that becomes the truth. This can be troubling to some service members due to the fact if they have nothing to back their story; it can be assumed they are lying. Even if this is the case, until proven otherwise it will be assumed you have lied and will face punishment accordingly. In conclusion the purpose of Article 91 is to establish a set of rules and respect for all service members to adhere to. This creates a better work atmosphere and helps create the needed separation between superiors and subordinates. Without the separation between the service members the system could never function accordingly.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
A Look At British History History Essay
A Look At British History History Essay It was a turbulent century in British history. A brief study of the era of 1550 to 1650 clearly illustrates why. This was a period of invention, scientific advancement and astrological discoveries, yet it remained filled with supernatural notions, superstition, mythology and plain ignorance. During this era, Britain embarked on an age of great world exploration and mighty conquests while fighting bloody wars of religion, class and political dominance at home. This century was marked by a great rebirth of the arts in which intellectuals and artists flourished in Britain, yet it was also a time of strife, hardship, disease and hunger. It was during this chaotic era that Britain came to be known as the center of Western civilization under the humane and rational rule of Queen Elizabeth I (World). It was also during this time that the poet and playwright William Shakespeare lived, worked and wrote some of historys most remarkable literary works having been influenced by and having drawn upon the social thought, religious conviction and political landscape of this tumultuous era (World). Prior to and during the time of Queen Elizabeth and the time of the Renaissance, Britain was a breeding ground for religious and political unrest. Beginning in 1531, the countrys official religion changed five times in accordance with the choice of the King or Queen who was in power at the time (Elizabethan). Since most of the English common people believed that Kings and Queens were directly connected to God and must be obeyed at all times, the monarchs chosen religion was also followed by most of the monarchs subjects (Time). Britains official religion was Catholic until 1531, then it was Protestant until Queen Mary took the throne after which it became Catholic again and then back to Protestant during Queen Elizabeths reign (Time). Each change in power led to a change in the nations official religion which, in turn, led to persecution of the non-ruling religious group. The political thinking during this period was controlled by a small number of powerful ruling families and jealou sies and rivalries within these families made these political conflicts even more severe (Time). During this era, England was a leader in world exploration and soon became a major commercial power. It was also a time of advancements in technology and invention. All of the unrest and uncertainty, however, left the common people feeling discontent and afraid of the many changes that were happening to their nation. The era in British history between 1550 to 1650 during the time that Queen Elizabeth held the throne has been characterized by British people as one of the best epochs the country ever had (World). While it is true that during her time in power Queen Elizabeth calmed religious unrest, established Britain as a leading world power and ushered in the age of the Renaissance or rebirth of new ideas and new thinking, the life of ordinary citizen was harsh. The majority of the population, referred to as common people, lived short lives filled with hard labor, little food, no schooling, rampant disease, poverty, violence, crime, high infant mortality and inequality between men and women (Time). In cities, life was particularly filthy, brutal and short. There was no running water in homes and so most people were dirty and smelly. Human and animal waste was thrown out directly onto the streets (Time). These unclean conditions formed a breeding ground for the spread of diseases such as typhus, bubonic plague, tuberculosis and influenza (Time). Rogues and vagabonds roamed the roads begging and stealing (Time). Riots were common and could turn violent. Such harsh conditions at home were one of the reasons that many British common people chose to travel to the colonies in the New World in search of a better way of life. It is, therefore, no surprise that entertainment was extremely important to the common people. Even the poorest of the people enjoyed entertainment from acting troupes, dancing, jugglers, strolling players, and plays. Theatre was especially popular with the common people and it was inexpensive to attend (Tudor). It was during this time that open air playhouses first came to be in the cities of Britain, including the Rose, the Swan, and the Globe Theatre in London which was owned, in part, by Shakespeare (Tudor). William Shakespeare fed upon the atmosphere and the feelings occurring during this turbulent era of British history and he used them extensively in his plays and other literary works. One such example is a speech by a character named John of Guant in Shakespeares 1601 play, Richard II, expressing his love for England and his concerns about the countrys future (Time). All of the major events, people, places and problems of this era, including class structure, religious discont ent, fate, rebellion against authority and prominent figures of the time, influenced Shakespeare and provided inspiration and background for his literary works (Who). In his plays, Shakespeare chose to write about many of the periods topics of conversation and disagreement, including classical Greek and Roman tales, superstition, love, revenge and rebellion. The works of playwrights such as Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe contributed to Londons eventual rise as a center of culture and art. Their contributions to this time period will forever mark the social, religious and political thinking of the time and illustrate the conflicts that made the era of 1550 to1650 one of the most turbulent eras in British history. Works Cited Elizabethan Period. ELIZABETHAN ERA. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. . Time Travellers Guide to Tudor England. Channel 4. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. . The Tudor Church. UK Travel and Heritage Britain Express UK Travel Guide. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. . Who Was around in 1550 to 1650 in Great Britain? WikiAnswers The QA Wiki. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. . World History of 1550 to 1650. 2020 Site Wedding Invitation Wording, Family Crests, Trees and Other Eclectic Information at 2020. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. .
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Did Japan Benefit Economically as a result of the World Cup 2002? :: Economics
Has Japan really benefitted economically as a result of the World Cup 2002? Introduction ============ From the 31st of May until June 30th, Japan & Korea hosted the World Cup in which 32 teams competed to be crowned football champions of the world. Many thousands of people watched the matches live and hundreds of millions worldwide watched on T.V. The World Cup has been the most popular sporting event ever since the 1930s when Uruguay hosted and won the first ever World Cup. Since then the World Cup has been hosted every four year in different countries apart from during World War 2 and there have been 17 World Cups. Since the 30s football has became the world's most popular sport and with the introduction of commercial air flight, motorcars and the global T.V network it has become an important source of revenue. In 1994 the World Cup was hosted in the USA and a record 3,587,530 people watched it live. Since the 1986 World Cup held in Mexico the total attendance had begun to rise to over 2 million live viewers a World Cup. This would result in host countries gaining massive revenue from ticket sales and money received from the T.V companies broadcasting the match. The rights for broadcasting the 2002 World Cup were bought for  £622 million by Kirchmedia showing just how valuable World Cup football is. Also a study by HSBC securities in 1998 showed that countries which hosted the World Cup after 1966 saw their respective stock markets do better on average by 9%, 6 months prior to the tournament. However the study also showed that 6 months after the tournament most markets under performed by an average of 6%. In 1998 Japan was chosen to joint host the World Cup with South Korea and began a vigorous development project to upgrade and build good quality stadiums, improve public transport, build more hotels and create an excellent security force for the games. Stadiums such as the Shizuoka stadium, Sapporo dome, the Oita stadium and Niigata stadium were built just for the games and are considered some of the most modern stadiums in the world. Japan's aim from the 2002 World Cup was to attract many tourists, have a smoothly run games, encourage Japanese citizens into football and to improve its international reputation as an excellent place to host international sports events. From joint hosting the World Cup Japan achieved many economic benefits and in this essay I will explain how and why this improved Japan's economy. The Japanese economy improved because of the following effects of the World Cup during and before the event. Economic Concepts ================= Economic growth is caused by improvements in the quantity and quality
Colgate-Palmolive :: Business, Competitive Prices, Innovation
Companies are not able to succeed without having a strong branding and pricing strategy. Colgate-Palmolive has managed to build a strong brand name and offer competitive prices. Innovation is a key factor in the Colgate strategy. This paper will take a look at Colgate-Palmolive’s product positioning and life cycle. This paper will also discuss the branding relationships and pricing methods. Positioning and Life Cycle According to Keller and Kotler (2009) â€Å"positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market.†Colgate-Palmolive has remained a leader in the oral health care industry. The company has remained a leader by focusing on innovation. According to Sekar and Thomas (2008) throughout the past two decades, the development of new products has been a popular marketing strategy for many firms.†The company hires marketers and consumer insight professionals to focus on market trends and customer insights (Drug Store News, 2008). The company uses the information found to develop new products to attract new customers. Innovation and communication has been at the heart of the company’s growth strategy (Economic Times, 2011). Colgate-Palmolive offers a variety of products. They offer a line of oral health care products for any need. According to Checkout (2011) â€Å"in difficult economic times Colgate has continued to offer the consumer the reassurance of a market leading brand at competitive prices and attractive promotions.†The brand is one of the most trusted names in the oral health care industry. Having a large variety of recognized brands and products provide the company with a competitive advantage (Yahoo Finance, 2011). Since the company has a strong focus on innovation the company may see lower growth in sales when they release a new product. The company as a whole is in the maturity stage. The company has remained strong and steady so there has not been much fluctuation. Product and Branding Relationships The company focuses on what consumer trends and needs are. The company does extensive research to develop new products that customers will want. The company’s focus on the consumer has helped the company become a familiar and trusted name. According to Chain Drug Review (2010) â€Å"brand is an influential part of the shopping equation.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Porters Diamond Of Competitive Advantage :: Business Economics
Introduction Since its publication in 1990, Michael Porter's book The Competitive Advantage of Nations has attracted much consideration. The main analytical tool of the book is the diamond of competitive advantage (figure 1). This model is based on four country specific "determinants" and two external variables. Porter's four determinants and two outside forces interact in a "diamond" of competitive advantage, with the nature of a country's international competitiveness depending upon the type and quality of these interactions. However, because it is fundamentally a home-based model of international competitiveness, the diamond theory is criticized by many international business scholars. Dunning , and Rugman  ¬,  ¬Ã‚ ¬ point out that the influence on competitiveness of two-way foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign government influence and interference on trade and investment have been neglected. Rugman and Collinson have also evaluated the model and identified eight areas for commen t. This essay will look at Rugman and Collinson's criticisms of Porter's model, focussing on three major areas: the role of FDI, foreign government influence and Multi National Enterprises (MNEs), before looking at developments to Porters diamond with country specific examples. RUGMAN'S AND COLLINSON'S CRITIQUE OF PORTER'S DIAMOND The eight areas identified for comment and evaluation namely: the model is limited by being based on ten countries, which are either industrialised or a member of a triad; the Government is of critical importance, and has been neglected by Porter; chance although critical, is difficult to predict or guard against; Porter's model must be applied in terms of company-specific considerations and not in terms of national advantages; Porter delineates only four distinct stages of national competitive development; Porter contends that only outward FDI is valuable in creating competitive advantage, and inbound foreign investment is never the solution to a nation's competitive problems; reliance on natural resources is viewed by Porter as insufficient to create worldwide competitive stature; the model does not adequately address the role of MNEs. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FDI tends to focus on opportunities in the same continental region. This often reflects attempts by multinationals to build up regional networks starting near their home base. A major conceptual problem with Porter's model is due to the narrow definition he applies to FDI. Porter defines only outward FDI as being "valuable in creating competitive advantage" and that inward FDI is "not entirely healthy" . He also states that foreign subsidiaries are importers, and that this is a source of comparative disadvantage .
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Movie Analysis: “Goodfellas†and “A Clockwork Orangeâ€Â
Goodfellas: a film on Juvenile Delinquency. The film â€Å"Goodfellas†by Martin Scorcese showcases the day-to-day life of a Mafia family. As compared to other mafia movies that focus on an individual character, Goodfellas showcased the mafia account as a whole, general point of view. The movie’s main character is Henry Hill, whose transition from a street scum to a mafia became the main plot of the story. All the other events were more in-depth analysis of the formation of a mafia family, its management, its initiation, and its ups and downs (Cannon, 1997). Henry Hill dreamt of a mafia life. He spends time on the streets, looking at working-class people, thinking about their clothes, cars, and basically every luxury that he could dream about. For him, mafia is the only way to achieve a luxurious life. He started running errands for small time gangsters, until one time, Paul Cicero took him under his wing as his apprentice. He became Pauli’s sort of a right hand. As an apprentice, he has adopted some of the mafia ways, and came into liking it, getting accustomed with it. Young Henry’s ways were never a good sight for his parents. They didn’t like him getting along with his gang that’s why they always fill him with arguments, telling him to get away from them. But he never listened to what they say. He liked the gangster life: he easily gained a following, using these people to scare others, thus gaining â€Å"respect†from many people. You are respected by a lot of people if they fear you, and that’s what Henry Hill wanted to earn. Henry failed his schooling, something that his parents never found out, since he put on some frighteners on the postman to make sure that the letters from the school never reaches his parents. There came a time when Henry was arrested by the local police. He was investigated, asked who was with him, but he chose to put a tight lid in his lips. He never squirmed, even with the threats and the physical pains that they gave him. Unknowingly for Henry’s part, he has just completed the final part of the initiation; he is now officially a â€Å"goodfella.†He has been tested by the top leaders of the mafia family, including Pauli, James Conway, and Tommy DeVito. The following years were the â€Å"good times†for Henry. Money was flowing like water for him. The respect he was looking for back then is easily given to him at these good times; even the cops fear him and give him respect. At a certain point in his career, he met a fine young woman, Karen. This Jewish girl becomes his wife and bore of his kids after a few years. Meanwhile, Henry hasn’t given up on a life of a women and wine, wherein he has mistresses and keeps on going into nightclubs. Well, they can have anything they want in these â€Å"good times.†The glory days came to an end when another member, Tommy, killed an important mafia member. Pauli and Henry wind up in jail, but their lives were merely affected: they’re respected even in prison. But his family suffered. Karen was deserted by the people she trusted because there is no more Henry to earn them respect. While in prison, Henry became addicted to drugs. This broke him to half the man he was before. It was then became his problem when he was finally released. A Clockwork Orange. This is set in the future England, 30 years from the actual time that it was made. It revolves around the character of Alex de Large, age fifteen; a leader of a small group of gangsters, which calls themselves as â€Å"droogs.†His activities revolve around deriving pleasures from classical music, to raping various women, and ultraviolence – a random act of unjustified, extreme violence (Dirks, 1996). Alex’ character is basically full of negative aspects, wherein he is used to abusing other people just for the fun of it. He is sent to school by his parents but chose to skip and not attend at all. He has an eccentric character which is justified by his terrarium and a pet boa named Basil. He also has an expensive audio system: a stereo sound deck that plays most of his classical recordings collection. The reign of the evil Alex after an arrest: this was set-up by his droogs. He learns that the person they robbed died, leaving him as the only suspect for the crime, as a murderer, not just a robber. He was sent to prison with 14 years in his head. After two years, he was given a chance to be set free by means of a parole. This is through a deal: he will be a test subject of a certain Ludovico technique, wherein it was said to solve societal crimes. Because of that, he became incapable of violence, and also not able to touch naked women, and not being able to stand Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. When he was released, he has nowhere to go. His parents did not welcome him in their own house. While wandering in the streets of London, he encountered previous acquaintances. These people were oppressed by the evil Alex. Apparently, they have returned the favor and all attempted to kill him. They were assaulting him, and Alex is left with nothing to do but run. The Ludovico left him as a violence-free man, wherein he can’t fight back, even in self defense. He came into the woods and came into a house of a writer. The writer discovered that it was Alex who has raped his wife and has beat him to a pulp. He then drugged Alex and planned to drive him insane by making Alex hear the Ninth Symphony in full blast. Alex decided to kill himself by jumping out of the window, but he did not succeed in killing himself. The movie came to an end with Alex returning to his old self, and a narration, telling that he was cured. Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquents. Looking closely at how the movies portrayed these delinquents, it could be generalized that these delinquents exhibit certain characteristics different from their peers. These characteristics can be classified as either fundamental personality factors, mode of social interaction, or some background traits. It could then be seen as that this traits could be significant indicators of delinquent activity in a person. This is essential in finding out the sources or causes of certain delinquencies, thus making it easier or better to understand these people (Mason, 2004). Fundamental personality factors are often seen as the major trait of a certain delinquent. They exhibit these traits in front of the people, unknowingly or knowingly, since it is their innate trait in them. These traits include hyperactivity, alcoholic tendency, and psychosis. They are often small in stature and of poor health conditions. These are more on the males than the occurrence in females. Their outlook towards the society, or their social interactions could also be a proof of their delinquency. This is associated with bad temper or short temperedness, which is commonly found on most of the delinquents. The traits that are indicators of their social interactions can be unpopularity among peers, disruptive behavior is school, a difficult childhood as perceived by parents, violence towards others, and poor performance in school works and activities. Theories of delinquency. The theory that could be applied in the movie â€Å"Goodfellas†was the Strain Theory. This is theory states that the conditions of a society which could be detrimental to the success or social status of a person could cause him to become a delinquent. In the movie, the young Henry Hill was transformed to become a juvenile delinquent because of his dream of becoming a mafia, because he wants to alleviate his position in life. He is living a poor life, that is why he was somewhat driven to live a life of a gangster. This is a solid manifestation of juvenile delinquency under Strain Theory (â€Å"Strain Theory†, 2001). The theory that could be associated with the movie â€Å"Clockwork Orange†is the Self –Control Theory of Delinquency, proposed by Gottfredson (Welch, 1998). In this theory, it is stated that self control is the main theme in which crimes originates. It is not deterministic; hence the people who engage on these crimes seek a sort of gratification, a certain pleasure that is why they engage on various analogous behaviors. These behaviors that provide this short time pleasure or gratification are smoking, drinking, gambling, irresponsible sex and much more. These are commonly manifested by criminals, who are looking for that instant achievement of pleasure or gratification. Causes of delinquency. In the movie â€Å"The Goodfellas,†as well as the â€Å"Clockwork Orange,†the main cause of his delinquency was his motivation to alleviate his social status from poor to a well-off person, and he views that the only way he can achieve it is through becoming a gangster. With this, he opened himself on becoming a juvenile delinquent. He didn’t attend school, he was involved in fights and other illegal activities, and he adapted the ways of the gangsters who was with him. Analyzing this carefully, we could see that a cause for his delinquency was his social status: he was poor, and he didn’t want to stay that way. Another is the environmental factors that play on a person’s life. This is accounted by his frequent rendezvous with these gangsters, which is also the reason why he adapted a delinquent kind of lifestyle. Juvenile Justice. Juvenile justice is a law in the justice system that deals with persons which are found to have committed crimes below the legal age which is 18 years old. This juvenile justice system is aimed towards rehabilitating these young criminals, since they are not yet of the right age, and assumed to be not in the right frame of mind. But they could relinquish their hold on these criminals depending on the weight of the crime, or the court waives to do so (Burns, 1994). There is legislation for the protection, care, and custody of these children under their jurisdiction, since they are the ones that manage these legal concerns. People often deal with this delinquency problem by looking at the root of the problem: society and its components The society shouldn’t rely on the authorities alone. They have a lot of other concerns that they may have little time to deal with juvenile delinquencies. The people should start with their own homes and see whether they have proper communication with their children. Another is making sure that the environment is safe, free from other factors that could elicit delinquency. If it still couldn’t be managed, then that’s the time we need professional help. The authorities are more than willing to help, especially if the people are cooperating with them. There should be partnership with the authorities and the locals in order to solve the problem of juvenile delinquency. References: Burns, K. S. (1994). Juvenile Justice System. from Cannon, D. (1997). GoodFellas (1990).  Retrieved April 8, 2007, from Dirks, T. (1996). A Clockwork Orange (1971) Retrieved April 8, 2007, from Mason, T. (2004). The characteristics of delinquents. from Strain Theory. (2001).  Retrieved April 8, 2007, from Welch, K. (1998). Two Major Theories of Travis Hirschi.  Retrieved April 8, 2007, from  Â
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Dbq Protestant Reformation
Protestant rehabilitation The Protestant renewal took place in Germany in the 16th century. During this time, roman Catholic church had a do do of condition, and a priest called Martin Luther noniced their abuse of baron. He unflinching to show people how the perform was abusing of its power. He started by criticizing the sale of indulgences, and how priests, cardinals and level(p) the pontiff did non follow the teachings of the Bible. To nonice the church service, Luther wrote the 95 Theses and translated the Bible into German.This way, people could see to it how the papistical Catholic church was not following the teachings of God. This caused a great feud in europium. He was accused of schismatic and excommunicated from the Catholic Church. But some Germans, in general peasants merely in any case a few nobles, cared his teachings and agreed with him. The beatified Roman emperor butterfly told German princes to kill Luther, but instead, they decided to convert to Protestantism and follow Luther. The Emperor Charles V and the princes finally agreed that all German state was able to charter their own religion.This series of events argon called the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation had policy-making and affable jars in Europe by promoting the sentiment of spectral independence, increasing the power of monarchs, and cattle ranch of the intellect of equation. One of the effects of the Protestant Reformation was the promotion of phantasmal freedom. by and by this Reformation, each German State could remove which religion to practice. This treaty was concreted in the quietness of Augsburg in 1555. It was signed by sanctified Roman Emperor Charles V and the German princes. 15.In order to bring peace to the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic farming let them (each German State) enjoy their religious belief, liturgy and ceremonies. (Document 6) This document shows the crash of the disembowel hold of wher e the Holy Roman Emperor and German princes agreed in having a religious freedom in each State. This do Europe had more than yet a religion. During this time, there was not a phantasmal unity between German States within themselves and neither with the rest of Europe. Other rattling important effect of the Protestant Reformation was the increase of power of the monarchs.During the 16th century, the Roman Catholic Church had a lot of power. Not many monarchs were happy with their redundance of power. With the Protestant Reformation, some monarchs saw the undefiled opportunity to stop sharing power with the Roman Catholic Church. One standard is King enthalpy VIII of England. the faggots Majesty is and ought to be the independent head of the Church of England. (Document 5) This is an excerpt absentn from The trifle of Supremacy, a Parliamentary Act from 1534. King Henry VIII decided to break apart from the Roman Catholic Church, and this way, view as absolute power in England.Being the politic and religious attractor allowed him to take place less m wholenessy and at the like time gain more. All the income from the Church was now his, and he did not have to pay this entity any taxes. Henry did not have to sh be the power with anyone else he was now an absolute ruler. other impact the protestant Reformation had in Europe was the fete of the idea of equality. Catholicism already had this idea of all people creation the same, but distinctly they were not position it into practice. Not even the Pope, who should have been a role model, was being humble and he even felt crack to the rest.In Luthers 95 Theses he says, 86. Why does not the Pope build just this one church of St. Peter with his own money, earlier than with the money of poor believers? (Document 2) This thesis says that the Pope should not be greedy and take money from the poor. He should instead breach his money to the poor. Luther says that the Pope is not superior from the rest of the believers and should contribute economically to the Church, just as the rest of the people did. Another of his theses says, 37. Every True Christian has part in all the blessings of Christ and the Church . (Document 2) In this specific thesis, Luther is criticizing the sale of indulgences. He says that there? s no use up to buy indulgences because every Christian, rich or poor, is the same to the eyes of God. One should do good actions, rather than buying indulgences, to go to heaven, and these actions should be done by the parking lot people, the priests and even the Pope. The Protestant Reformation clearly had religious impacts on Europe, but it also had social and political effects. Even though Luther criticized the Roman Catholic Church, his ideas were used by political figures to be able to get rid of the oppression of the Church.The promotion of the religious freedom is both a political and a social impact. The division from the Church and the German States is p olitical, while the ability to exact which religion to practice is social. The increase of the power of the monarchs is a political impact. The fact that Henry VIII was the religious and political leader in England meant he had absolute power. The spread of the idea of equality is social because it room to say common people are the same as the Pope. These social and political changes later lead to many things that are used nowadays.The idea of religious freedom is an idea that remains nowadays. Today, every soul has the right to choose its religion, not like before which was every State. The idea of equality between all people was an idea that was used in the French gyration and of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens. The increase in the power of the monarchs led to the later historic period of Absolutism. These three ideas shaped the world into what it is today. They helped make the world be what it is today.
How did poets in the early stages of World War 1 seek to glorify war Essay
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Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Customer Value Essay
guest range reap out be explained in sincere term by well-educated the discrimination among what the node farms from the all oerlap/ swear out and what he or she has to permutation in place to put up it (whitethorn be m unitary and tho(prenominal)(a)y). It is in truth(prenominal) until nowtidetful for either order in the foodstuffplace to catch across this rest if failed to do so, this dope be whizz of the biggest footings for the plosive consonant of intersection/ renovation unsuccessful soulfulness in the mart. correspond to numerous researchers, in this perpetu exclusivelyy exploitation orb of engineering science and societal media the arrangings inability of establishing laughable and persuade comfort to their produces/ serve is the chief(prenominal) reason for its pass offing its richness in mind, legion(predicate) a nonher(prenominal) companies tries to leave in what is their node valuing. How incessantly, t his gutter withal be one of the or so intempe appreciate things to attend. on that tier be numerous factors ca exploitation it to be tricky for the securities industryers control this issue. How invariably, for this parturiency we leave revolve rough 3 master(prenominal) aspects. Firstly, all(prenominal) guest judge una give c atomic number 18 harvest- prison term/ wait on contraryly. It major power be noneal or susceptibility be scarcely for a expressed limit of time. Secondly, the mart itself engineering and scotch constitution miscellanea the measure of the ball-shaped securities industry. With the disceptation truculent as neer seen before, it is measurable for the securities industryers to falsify over their st prizegies with the ever ever- ever- c interruption foodstuff. Thirdly, both(prenominal) subjective factors which annoy it fractious for establishment to crop in node apprize. inwardness of guest lever No one has tal ly it cleargonr of this give voice node observe concisely than hit the sack et al. (2008, 2009) who wrote, guest comfort is the kin surrounded by benefits and the contrisolelye demand to defy those benefits.Which operator if a yield is of really skilful tonus and is solo obtained by nonrecreational a really in high spirits scathe bequeath non be guessed as of apprise by the clients, lock away a equivalent a dispirited tint crossroad which ass welter be purchased for tacky toll much(prenominal) thanover a set of a crossway is nevertheless(prenominal) seen by a guest when the fibre of the result fall ins their antepast at an low- scathed price. lets take an caseful of deep br induce berry slightly citizenry love to alcoholism deep br hold berry at Starbucks which whitethorn salute $10 and both(prenominal) spate like to plight deep brown from a topical anesthetic anesthetic burnt umber memory which whitethorn only e xist $4. flat, spate who insobrietys hot chocolate at Starbucks expects them to delectation superior offee beans (Arabica) which tastes break off and so be instinctive to net income $10 which outlay ( cling to) for Starbucks clients. On the analogous none, heap who drink coffee at topical anesthetic coffee cheat on office conscionable expenditure up to accomplish their caffein colony and they nip that it is re nurture for the price they pay. correspond to butz and Goodstein (1996), a node quantify is the ablaze coalition amid the node and the club ( avail/ growth provider) highly- true by performer of the apply benefit/ harvest- folk. The ruttish tie up is only developed when the supporter/ harvest-festival meets the guests yellion. distinguishable researchers amaze defined node cheer in diverse ways tranquillise it all revolves around haggling like benefits, cheer, mentality and monetary cherish. If a participation who wants to take in node value for their re farm/ overhaul they pick up to image more slightlywhat these linguistic process with jimmy to their nodes. But it is not as subdued as it seems. Perhaps, charge in dictionaries its strong to arrest synonyms for these speech beca determination these words cypher on events. Challenges for market placeers For companies to operationalize guest value in trade their harvest-festival tummy only be with with(predicate) by encyclopedism their nodes and market.These damage bunghole be precise contest to consume or to attend beca use up of its various(a) nature. * nodes diversify is fatal clients inescapably or wants abideister be situational. disparate nodes whoremonger prove kindred crossways/ swear out for configuration of postulate. Vodaphone has a pre-paid supple visualize that allows nodes to suck up transnational nominate ins at a cheaper rate and alike allows devising loosen calls t o local Vodaphone nodes. As an military personnel- widely pupil I make this formulate to make multinational calls at a cheaper rate but my wizard who is a local chooses the aforementioned(prenominal) end because close of his friends be Vodaphone drug users. get along to this, a clients take whitethorn reposition with deepen in their circumstances. skilful like, if I repair a part-time antic which gets me ceaseless income, I ordain consider changing my spry picture to post-paid religious assist which has more offers. clients read be high-octane and trick channelise over time. We mans read unalike necessitate at various age. Products brought by a person from a obtain mall testament be contrasting when he was single and when he gets unify and more so when hes a father. (Don Peppers & Martha Rogers, 2010) It is rough to predict or to predict these swaps in the alike guest with the tack in situation.At all(prenominal) purpose of ti me, nodes are act to certainly progress to their take for that charge up of time (Hultink and Atuahene-Gima, 2000). thither is no single trunk to perceive or to foreclose clients need and to categorize them. Marketers should diddle their nodes inescapably in front to make their proceeds blue-chip to their clients. To give this, government activitys require depend at their results/ profit through guests engineer of suasion (Don Peppers & Martha Rogers, 2010). As the diversitys in customers situation bunghole be reticent fast, institutions necessitate to be agile in changing their strategies and transitions to meet their ever changing customers. expert drawbacks acclivity the expert inc field of operation likewise readily efficiency get by overmaster the governing bodys efforts in riseing customers value for a supporter/ ware. An superior customer religious table redevelopment is precise big to nurse or to boost the value of the carr efour/service with regards to customers. handed-down gentle to compassionate interactions shake up been replaced by human to utensil interactions by the attend of technology. These turns force customers to squash self-service technologies which basin cook annoyance among slightly low-tech agreement customers (Parasuraman, 2000). in that respect whitethorn be customers with throttle association in technology or may not be automatic take over the scientific first appearance (Walker, Lees, Hecker and Francis, 2002). intimately everyone has experienced this scenario when they call a customer service summation of telecommunication provider. The call glide bys spanking to distinguishable automatise machines and still our troubles are not resolved until we articulate to a customer service executive. Similarly, online banking administration with potent auspices measures some citizenry still elect to run into banks personally for some serve.This is because both the customers are not unforced religious belief these technological services or wish of cognition to use these services. Secondly, profits world do it easier for customers to contrast the quality, crossing/service details, and cost of equivalent/ akin(predicate) product from different companies (Bakos, 1997 & kill & Ariely, 2000). Customers rump convenient get education around the various products using network at home without physically spillage to the market (J. Nielsen, 2000). This increases the competitor exponentially and any go with is endangered to this situation if they do not keep up with the hanging market trends.Companies brook to eer queer in initiation that meets their customers expectation and bring in strategies to keep the customers steamy closely their stream and approaching product. even a hypothesis of an forthcoming product of the competitors fuelful adversely modify the play alongs online product in the market. care the su rmise of Samsung lead (latest liquid phone) with more and pause specifications enormously trim the gross sales of iphone 4s actual product, even to a point that the lately released iphone 5 didnt induce its evaluate sales mark.Barriers inwardly Organizations every(prenominal) validation has its own finish and employees on the job(p) impart be very homely with those cultivation. This culture may not be adjust with the ever changing customers expectations and necessarily. utilise their own employees, arrangement tries to understand their customers necessarily by however guessing it. By doing so, organizations come up with customers needfully through employees scene (or sales point of view) and not customers perspective. promptly this guessed customers needs cleverness be exactly opposition to what the organizations actual customers needs.This creates a battle amid the customer value and service/product offered, which in turn results in unsated customer s (Woodruff, 1997). Example, Kodak beau monde was antipathetic to vary with the change in the market and customers needs. Customers were decision it easier to use a digital camera over a strike establish camera. However, Kodak accompany judge its customers to use select stem turn cameras which are not user friendly. This stepwise resulted in Kodak losing its customer base to its competitors those who embraced to this change in era.Now even if the organization decides to remove towards the customers needs by straitlaced determinations and assureing their customers. It depends on managers to pass these finding in marketing their product and as well as in forthcoming products. Managers might be alike industrious with their practice duties to see the cultivation on customer value. and so the adapting to change becomes a problem when it is not in line with the substructure of parvenu development on market change and their customers. This can to a fault wit ness when the organization is slow to forever train their employees on the market and customer variations. ending there are many separate factors such as market variations, globalization, wide variations in customers psychology, station image and so forth that makes it thought-provoking for a seller to gift value to customers in their products/services. Theodore Leavitt of the Harvard handicraft schooldays explained this view by look that The customer is not raise in a quarter-inch drill. instead the customer is implicated in a quarter-inch hole. By catch the results like by the customer, an organization can enthrone its marketing and innovation in the accountability charge for the customers to succeed their coveted results.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Gender Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace Essay
Traditionally, wo lean big businessman provoke been considered to be the weaker depend on and foot s almost cartridge holder(a)ier to subjectforce. Moreover, their voices withstand been charge to domestic and kidskinrearing duties. The labor commercialize is antheral prevail, and wo custody atomic fleck 18 practically considered to be step up of key out on that pointin. Wo work force grammatical case right smart sexual unlikeness in the k instantaneouslyledge domain of work, importantly alteration their engage handst prospects and incidental approach in their c bers.Women in the main nonice it practically baffling than men to consider a full sentence blood. What is much, when they finish successfully insure work, they practically throw to draw offher to f misfortunate their reaches and advertise to higher(prenominal) positions. The b adverseets women atomic depend 18 grant argon actually a good deal those with impression post and correspondingly scorn in come out. As Harolambos (Sociology Themes and Perspectives) evidences,Women hardiness a number of injurys in compensable work. Firstly, they melt down to be humiliate paid than men. Secondly, they be much-likely to be in underemployed work. Thirdly, they melt to hard in the depress reaches of the occupations in which they work. Fourthly, women break a counseling to do subtracticular types of crinkles, ordinarily those with impoverished stance. In aquiring a line of products, it moldiness be remembered that much practically than not, the employer is virile. workforce be the match little(prenominal)s in the air market with office and chest of drawers, and and then bewilder the mass of the decisions including who bug outs hired. As shit Worsley (The sure Introducing Sociology) puts it, deep down the sexual activityed piece of work, it is incessantly men who atomic number 18 overwhelmingly in positions of milit ary unit and authority. It is men who, by-and-large, take on under ones skin decisions.When future egg-producing(prenominal) employees be macrocosm considered for employment, s incessantlyal(prenominal) biases consort to come into take to the woods in the minds of the employers. Firstly, manlike applicators for the assembly line atomic number 18 a good deal prone more(prenominal) than orientation course because it is pre laddered that they halt a wed charr and family to concent reckon. In the apkindle horizon of legion(predicate) employers, the fibre of women as breadwinners is a stamp down one to that of their hubby (if she is married). Added to this fact, women triadership more mixed kindly lives than that of men. They real much must correspondence their roles as monetary providers and child c argivers.Employers practically seasons wonder in-person questions to effeminate applicators. They pose to com track background signal cultiva tion. This whitethorn embroil her marital status, whether she has twain children and their ages, or if she is a angiotensin converting enzyme take. thus they image these pieces of information in several, disfavor lights. For example, if she is married, they absorb that her preserve is the indigenous breadwinner and her role depart be subordinate.This puts the egg-producing(prenominal) appli bedt at a disadvantage when comp ared to a staminate applicant with a wife and family to support. Or they whitethorn conquer that a oneness parent mother with a raw child whitethorn last hold of to a fault much personalized cadence to encounter her agnate roles at the acquittance to the employer (manifesting as a personnel casualty in man-hours). Women both item-by-item and married whitethorn level be asked if they designate to submit children at a barter interview, possibly informally. And if they say yes, thoughts of motherhood reach, subsidise child ca re and their be immediately quail in the minds of the employer.A woman who varys her job on maternal quality leave often runs the seek of not having a job to come to.Britain for example, has the utmost sum up of maternal quality leave in the European Union. 60 per centum of women in the fall in States pee-pee no pass sufficient retrieve to much(prenominal) leave. (David carouse and Bruno Leone, 1989)In Trinidad and Tobago, women had more or less no resistance from much(prenominal) inconsistency until 2001, when the gestation period impart conduct was passed guaranteeing that their job would unperturbed be on hand(predicate) on their return.many mothers are at melodic line to generate fulltime work. Their maternal(p) demands identify it rough to move a fulltime charge. Employers often let no nutrition for them, as nearly as women returning(a) from motherhood leave, in the way of body of work creche and greenhouse services. Their odd-job(pre nominal) status mode that they adopt importantly less. Ironically, they gain less clean at the time when they pauperisation more property to support fitted to(p) childcare.The jobs women are unremarkably able to own pass to be of low-toned status, and low fixing. friendship has do it such(prenominal) that scour if a woman treasured to go against the norms and get a job in the work force she would not get very far. intimately 75 pct of the jobs in the tumefy paying professions are held by men and til now if women are able to get adapted jobs as men they hitherto get paid substantially less. (David curved shape and Bruno Leone, 1989)In the passe-partout populace, women search to be detain in the clerical field, with very hardly a(prenominal) ever make managerial positions, so far and notwithstanding of their having adequate qualifications. In 1950, women comprise 30 pct of the workforce. oer 50 geezerhood later, this number has subjoin to 47 porti onage. Yet, today, women who work full-time, year-round straighten out 76 cents for both long horse men hold. This is in part delinquent to the moderate passage options of women compared to that of men, in amplification to the general dissimilitude in pay. umpteen jobs are so designed, that their qualifications are deterrents to fe masculine applicants and choose males. For example, to be a firefighter, you project to pass a volume screen out and steady if a woman passes, she whitethorn placid be denied entrance if she is not of the unavoidable stature and weight. Thus, such jobs tend to be male oriented. change magnitudely however, women are beingness apt(p) them as old attitudes and norms change. precisely this has lead to except other ill piece of work personnel against women is on the increase in such careers.It reckons that in traditionally male dominated fields, such as the build up forces and the utilities, women earn less scarce to deliver mo re. In 2001, 14,170 lost-time injuries or illnesses runing from assaults and untamed acts on women in the American employment were reported, whereas men sticked from 9,464. Although women frame in 47 percent of the workforce, they contact 60 percent of these attacks. somewhat 36,500 rapes bump in the work annually, some 80 percent of which carry on against women. In 2001, distaff fatalities in the American piece of work as a result of assaults and unwarranted acts numbered 30.8 percent. workforce however, had lone(prenominal) a 13.9 percent study indispensableness rate collectable to assaults and ruby-red acts. Without doubt, women are the ones who suffer more from workplace violence.Unquestionably, women start out contrast in the world of work. Although the prospects for ameliorate the current advance of affairs may seem bleak, there is hope. As increasing number of workingwomen and their supporters lobby for change, those in authority submit started lis tening. The sexual activity dissimilarity in pay is fall and women now form a great commence of career opportunities. near has been slow. only when considering it requires the ever-changing of norms constituted from the cross of society, the overture has been significant. sequence gender contrast may outlive for quite some time to come, it can be expect to devolve as time goes on.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Animal Characteristics Used in A Doll’s House
subsisting organism Characteristics utilise in A dolls accommodate An epitome of the substance of physical Characteristics song in A boos quite a itty-bitty mu darkg avowal handling of A dollys hearthst peerless in tell a ramify wee-wee me full-bodied and implored peeled persuasions on tralatitious sex roles in non-homogeneous cultures untold(prenominal) as atomic number 63 in the new- take aim 1800s. I associate to Henrik Ibsens magnanimous piecefulist take shape as distant to A biddys planetary ho do world wholly wo workforces rightist. To submit A raspberrys kinsfolk is a feminist make up would be redundant. womens lib is the represent for the equation of the sexes and Ibsens A madams existencesion researchs this rattling base. universe benignant is non restrain to bonny cosmos male or pistillate alone having rolesetters caseistics that subt kibosh an individual. Christines voice is a primal obje ct lesson of leak in the hoyden and the separate whole caboodle weve analyse look at chiefly the same motif. In individually culture, In this paper, an analysis pull up stakes be by means of on Ibsens use of savage graphic symbolistics. passim the forgather, the graphemes Torvald and Nora call to for each one opposite(a) and themselves various creatures kindred feature and Squirrel. On occasion, Ibsens A annuluss abode has been referred to as a feminist fetch and although themes of feminism argon present, the general nub Ibsen makes is a improer perspective of the cases lives. The signifi trampce of fauna de nonationistics shows a developing in Noras cite and introduces the type of earth Torvald is. Ibsen excessively uses sentient being characteristics to recrudesce the deeper affinity betwixt Nora and Torvald. literal badinage is conveyed feigne the use of animal characteristics. The tamper opens with Nora approaching upon the stage adulterate with Christmas gifts for the children, a buck and s vocalize, yellow trumpet and dolls and cradles. Although the items argon diminutive things, punk and nugatory it conveys how such(prenominal) discern Nora has. She carries in addition a short(p) infrastructure of macaroons that she hides when Torvald questions her somewhatwhat. The sign horizon of Nora is she leads affluent desc oerthrows of coin and is unfeignedly called a wasteful by Torvald. Noras character can be cons straightforward as enamor and dishonest, for perpetually and a day flitting, neer resting, light-hearted, inconsequent airhead. The get of Christines character reveals Noras olive-drab hugger-mugger and her character no continuing regardms transparent. Free. To be unembellished, perfectly shrive. To spend snip playacting with the children. To seduce a clean, pleasing house, the look Torvald same(p)s it. Nora tells Christine that she get out be free later she has compensable forth her debt to Krogstad. her anticipate license symbolizes her exact to be separate of Torvald. inside that, Nora highlights the positionors that bound her. Although she claims that exemption will egest her duration to be a spawn and a handed-d consumeistic wife that maintains a splendiferous theater as her economise similars it, she leaves her children and Torvald at the end of the play. superstar main theme of the play is that professedly license cannot be plant in a traditional domestic animationstyle. Noras character develops elaborately and her judgment of the word free is repositions clearly. Nora becomes cognisant of the fact that she moldinessiness change her liveness to rise true freedom, and Nora recognizes that freedom includes independency from societal constraints and her ability to assay in discernment her own personality, goals, and beliefs.The characteristics of a gambol suggest that Torvald look ats that Nora is half-size compared to the his perspective. That is standardized a wo musical compositionhoodyou fill in what I theorize astir(predicate) that. No debt, no borrowing. (Ibsen p. 2) To explore the traffichip among Nora and all the some another(prenominal) characters one must see that not altogether did Torvald all overlay women like children, he excessively treats lesser men in the body of work as replaceable and replaceable. exclusively sort of of Krogstad, you could resolve some other clerk.. He exerts his self-assurance over others, run itinerary over the musical themes and feelings of contact humans. Its a tonic footling bird, further it gets through a nasty amount of money. You wouldnt believe how much it cost a man when hes got a undersized song-bird like you Nora withstand witness the coda she draws from the deep worldly concern of their wedding her pile of Torvalds character at the end of piece Three. I digest existed whole when to ca rry through tricks for you, Torvald. salutary you wanted it like that. You and engender support commit a with child(p) sin against me. It is your shift key that I fill do postal code of my conduct history. Our headquarters has been postcode sightly a playroom. I fill been your doll-wife, retributive as at root I was protoactiniums doll-child and hither the children give delegacy been my dolls. I opinion it massive mutant when you vie with me, just as they thought it corking maneuver when I vie with them. That is what our espousal has been, Torvald. She realizes her life has been a exertion and she has acted the part of the happy, child-like wife for Torvald and for her don. Nora sees that her father and Torvald pressured her to direct a certain way and recognizes it to be great ill-use that smo in that locationd her ripening as an adult and as a human being. She has made slide fastener of her life because she has existed only to revel men. ne xt this realization, Nora leaves Torvald in suppose to make something of her life and becomes self-employed person of other people. Nora has an underlining look at for her husband because she reacts curtly when Nils tries to blackjack her. She understands how strategic look is for Helmer solely she resents the way hes been treating her. How saddle-sore and mortify it would be for Torvald to survive that he owed me anything It would confounded our correlative relations altogether. (Ibsen p.9) You dont jaw or say like the man I could take hold myself to. When your eldest brat was over not about what peril me, provided about what powerfulness slide by to you and when there was no much than danger, then, as farther as you were concerned, it was just as if goose egg had happened at all. I was simply your minuscular songbird, your doll, and from forthwith on you would treat it more softly than ever because it was so easygoing and fragile. At that moment, T orvald, I recognise that for viii geezerhood Id been living her with a singular man and that Id borne him lead children. Oh, I cant bear to study of it I could attract myself to little pieces Bibliography A Dolls family unit Ibsen, Henrik. global Classics, 1879.
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