Saturday, March 21, 2020
Religion Tradition Depth Study Essay
Religion Tradition Depth Study Essay Religion Tradition Depth Study Essay â€Å"Christianity is not the faith of the complacent, the comfortable or of the timid. It is a set of rituals, beliefs (and most importantly) a way of living that creates heroic souls like Wesley, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, John Paul II, and Billy Graham. Each showed, in their own way, the relentless and powerful influence of the message of Jesus Christ.†– Mitt Romney With reference to the quote explain how Christianity is a living religious tradition in the life of its adherents. The quote from Mitt Romney is based around evangelists who, from Christianity gained their strength to overcome oppression and enact the word of Jesus Christ from the beliefs and rituals based around Christianity. To followers of Jesus Christ, this quote proves Jesus’s relentless and powerful message towards his adherents. This is symbolic as it shows followers of Jesus Christ to understand his message, which is central in Christian beliefs. As a result of this Christianity has proved not to be static, but rather living religious traditions in the life of its adherents. This is evident through many factors such as rituals, ethical teachings, and significant leaders within Christianity that have stood the test of time. The quote highlights that although Jesus is not with us, through his relentless and powerful message. His presence is still felt by all his adherents. This highlights that in order for Christianity to be living religious tradition adherents must practise the rituals set in place. Baptism is the Christian rite of admission, celebrating the initiation of an individual into the Christian community. Within Christianity there are many denominations where baptism has a different meaning. Such as in Catholism for means of salvation, baptism is received in order for original sin to be lost and regained penance. In Anglicanism it involves the turning from all that is evil and repenting towards Christ. Fundamentally as Christ has been resurrected, his life is significant and Christian adherents are baptised to show their following of God. In John 3:5 it states â€Å"Unless a person is born through water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God†. This ritual is practised differently throughout denominations in Christianity. In many protestant Churches such as Lutheran and Anglicanism baptism by immersion is common. This is where the whole body is submerged in water and scripture is recited â€Å"Baptise in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit†, this ritual recognises the dying of your old self like Jesus Christ and rising up again like Jesus Christ. Through this practise an individual is able to live out the message of Christ in everyday life through the release of original sin and the transcending of God’s Holy Spirit on the adherent’s heart in which allows the Holy Spirit to be real in their life. This shows how Christianity is a living religious tradition because of the Holy Spirit’s everlasting presence in an individual’s life. In Catholism, Infant baptism is the most common, it is done by the aspersion or sprinkling of water over an infant. In Romans 4:25, it states â€Å"He was delivered up for trespasses and raised for our justifications†this confirms the resurrection of Christ. This also recognises that if Christ had not been resurrected therefore sin would still be prevalent in the world and Christians would not be able to actively worship God. However Jesus Christ did rise from the dead and in whom Catholics believe that through infant baptism original sin is taken away, validating that Christianity is a living religious tradition. Additionally for baptism there are elements which are needed for this ritual to place, such as the use of white garments which represent purity and innocence, baptismal candle representing the eternal light of Christ, anointing oil which marks the candidate as a child of Christ as oil cannot be washed off by water, and the use of readings from the Gospel throughout the
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Endangered Species Criteria and Definition
Endangered Species Criteria and Definition What Are Endangered Species? Rare, endangered, or threatened plants and animals are elements of our natural heritage that are declining rapidly or are on the verge of vanishing. They are plants and animals that exist in small numbers that may be lost forever if we do not take quick action to stop their decline. If we cherish these species, like we do other rare and beautiful objects, these living organisms become treasures of the highest magnitude. Why Preserve Endangered Plants and Animals? Preservation of plants and animals is important, not only because many of these species are beautiful, or can provide economic benefits for us in the future, but because they already provide us many valuable services. These organisms clean air, regulate our weather and water conditions, provide control for crop pests and diseases, and offer a vast genetic library from which we can withdraw many useful items. Extinction of a species could potentially mean the loss of a cure for cancer, a new antibiotic drug, or a disease-resistant strain of wheat. Each living plant or animal may have values yet undiscovered. Scientists estimate there are thirty to forty million species on earth. Many of these species are represented by dozens of genetically distinct populations. We know very little about most species; less than two million are even described. Oftentimes, we do not even know when a plant or animal becomes extinct. Game animals and a few insects are watched and studied. Other species need attention too. Perhaps in them may be found a cure for the common cold or a new organism that will prevent millions of dollars of loss to farmers in their constant fight against crop diseases. There are many examples of a species value to society. An antibiotic was discovered in the soils of the threatened New Jersey Pine Barrens Natural Area. A species of perennial corn was found in Mexico; it is resistant to several diseases of corn. An insect was discovered that when frightened produces an excellent insect-repelling chemical. Why Have Species Become Endangered? Habitat Loss Loss of habitat or the native home of a plant or animal is usually the most important cause of endangerment. Nearly all plants and animals require food, water, and shelter to survive, just as humans do. Humans are highly adaptable, however, and can produce or gather a wide variety of foods, store water, and create their own shelter from raw material or carry it on their backs in the form of clothing or tents. Other organisms cannot. Some plants and animals are highly specialized in their habitat requirements. A specialized animal in North Dakota is the piping plover, a small shorebird which nests only on bare sand or gravel on islands of rivers or shorelines of alkali lakes. Such animals are much more likely to become endangered through habitat loss than a generalist like the mourning dove, which nests successfully on the ground or in trees in the country or city. Some animals are dependent on more than one habitat type and need a variety of habitats near each other to survive. For example, many waterfowl depend on upland habitats for nest sites and nearby wetlands for food supplies for themselves and their broods. It must be emphasized that habitat does not have to be completely eliminated to lose its usefulness to an organism. For example, the removal of dead trees from a forest may leave the forest relatively intact, but eliminate certain woodpeckers that depend on dead trees for nest cavities. The most serious habitat loss totally changes the habitat and renders it unfit for most of its original resident organisms. In some areas, the greatest changes come from plowing native grasslands, draining wetlands, and constructing flood-control reservoirs. Exploitation Direct exploitation of many animals and some plants took place before conservation laws were enacted. In some places, exploitation was usually for human food or furs. Some animals, such as Audubons sheep, were hunted to extinction. Others such as the grizzly bear, maintain remnant populations elsewhere. Disturbance The frequent presence of man and his machines may cause some animals to abandon an area, even if the habitat is not harmed. Some large raptors, like the golden eagle, fall into this category. Disturbance during the critical nesting period is especially harmful. Disturbance combined with exploitation is even worse. What Are The Solutions? Habitat protection is the key to protecting our rare, threatened, and endangered species. A species cannot survive without a home. Our first priority in protecting a species is to ensure its habitat remains intact. Habitat protection can be done in a variety of ways. Before we can protect a plants or animals habitat, we need to know where this habitat is found. The first step, then, is to identify where these vanishing species are found. This is being accomplished today by state and federal agencies and conservation organizations. Second to identification is planning for protection and management. How can the species and its habitat be best protected, and once protected, how can we make sure the species continues healthy in its protected home? Each species and habitat is different and must be planned on a case-by-case basis. A few protection and management efforts have proven effective for several species, however. Endangered Species List Legislation was passed to protect the most endangered species in the United States. These special species cannot be destroyed nor can their habitat be eliminated. They are marked in the endangered species list by an *. Several federal and state agencies are beginning to manage threatened and endangered species on public lands. Recognition of private landowners who have voluntarily agreed to protect rare plants and animals is underway. All these efforts need to continue and be expanded to keep our natural heritage alive.​ This resource is based on the following source: Bry, Ed, ed. 1986. The rare ones. North Dakota Outdoors 49(2):2-33. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Page. (Version 16JUL97).
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